Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Goat Whisperer

 It was a beautiful afternoon at Stoney Lonesome Farm when my husband and I stopped to pick up this week's harvest share. Since he isn't often along on my excursion to the country, we decided to walk down to the "big" field and see how things were wrapping up the season.
 After letting ourselves through the gate, (and securing it behind us!) we began walking down the hill and saw the goats out of the corner of our eyes. One was not shy at all and headed straight for us, the others stayed behind briefly to see how he was received.

 Before we knew it we were surrounded by the goats, who happily walked along with us in animated fashion. The older goats wanting an occasional rub on the head, while the kids ran ahead and trailed behind, playing games as you expect "kids" to do when on a walk.
The "family" followed us to the field, waited patiently while we went through the gate and then escorted us back to the top of the hill when we had completed our tour. 

Another beautiful afternoon at Stoney Lonesome Farm.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

LOVE the goats at SLF. They are friendly and pet-like. They are also VERY strong, as I learned one day when I accidentally let them into the lower field! You cannot physically push a goat back out of the field (at least not these, you can't), it turns out. You can, however, lure them out with some fresh greens in hand ;-)