Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week 3 - the Future Field (aka Big Field) Preview

New this week - HERBS - fresh Dill, Cilantro and Basil
along with lettuces, chard, onions, bok choi, radishes, scapes and some peas

The first thing I made when I got home was some tzatziki dip using the fresh dill, some garlic scapes, onions and some cucmbers I had picked up at the farmer's market on Saturday. Those peas and radishes are a mighty tasty treat in that Greek yogurt dip.

It was so refreshing to have a break from the intense heat on the last Harvest day. I've been wanting to check out this new field that Pablo talks about in the week 3 newsletter so when I went to pick up my share, we first headed down the path to find it.

It is big! and spacious! and full of plants! and very impressive to see. The interns got most of the plants in the garden this past weekend and now with just the right combination of sunshine and rain, there should be plenty of treats in our shares in the coming months. We saw varieties of squash, cucumbers, cabbage, peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, green beans, eggplants, sunflowers and watermelon.

And back up top the gardens are looking good too. The potatoes and cabbage are making great progress and the deer fence appears to be doing its job well.

and we had come full circle - back to the distribution shed to pick up this week's share and to head home and enjoy fresh picked delicious organic vegetables.

Tzatziki (Greek Yogurt) Dip

  • 2 cloves garlic, minced finely (use scapes)
  • a handful of onions, finely chopped
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 tsp. white pepper
  • 1 cup greek yogurt, strained
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp vinegar
  • 2 cucumbers, peeled, seeded and diced
  • 1 tsp. chopped fresh dill
Mix all ingredients. Let sit for flavors to meld (at least an hour). Enjoy with fresh peas and radishes, and any of your favorite vegetables. Also yummy as a spread for sandwiches and as a dressing on salad and or on meats like chicken and lamb.

1 comment:

MarmePurl said...

WOW...a new big field...I must get there and see it soon. Awesome